Whats the Best Missions Book I can Read?

Normally Fridays are for Shout-outs. But not this Friday. I’ll be back next week with some more folks to shout-out. But this week, I’ve got a question.

I’m looking for the best book written on missions and missiology. Comment below. Amazon link would be appreciated. I am looking to read up on missions in general, and missions fund raising in particular.

So, if you could only suggest one, which book would it be, in the genre of missions literature, and why?

The unedited version: Christian-fying your house for the missionary visit.

A while back, I posted this as a guest post at Stuff Christians Like. Today, the unedited version here at ATB. See if you can spot the differences!

At my grandfather’s funeral, the preacher stood up and shared all about what a sweet, gentle man my grandpa was. He went on for several minutes, and then called me up (one of the perks of missionary life–and this is not sarcastic at all–is to get the opportunity to speak at funerals.) I approached the microphone, and not knowing where to start, said “Well, I’m Continue reading “The unedited version: Christian-fying your house for the missionary visit.”

What is your favorite missions-themed song?

Last week I really enjoyed the responses to the favorite missions book question. Some of those books were totally new to me, and have been added to my “to read” list.

I am not abandoning Shout-Out Friday by any means, but I’m confident that the readers of this blog are more insightful than it’s author in most cases, so any chance I can get to have folks contribute is a win for all of us.

I’ll return to the Shout-Outs soon. But this week I want to keep the dialogue going.

What’s your favorite hymn/missions related song, and why? If you can find a link to it on Youtube or iTunes or something that would be swell. Or just quote your favorite line or something.