Folks have asked what I do for electrolytes on the Carnivore diet. This post is a way for me to share my process without having to go look up what I did every time.
It’s essentially LMNT but no flavor, and waaaaay cheaper, because I have long found that weaponizing my own thriftiness against my health goals is a winning strategy.
I bought this magnesuim malate and this potassium chloride, over 6 months ago, and i haven’t even made a significant dent in them.
I add a tiny dash of each to a bottle/glass of water alongside some table salt, and that does it!
I don’t do it every day, just as needed when my legs start to feel crampy. More exercise, more electrolytes. More sweat, more electrolytes.
I had to do more initially (but that was summer time, which tracks with the sweat theory.