Hosting Plan Terms and Conditions

By signing up with BenandJacq for any of our hosting plans, you are agreeing to not hold BenandJacq or Ben Meredith responsible for data loss, data corruption, or any unforeseen results spawning from errors in the hosting systems we use.

We use 3rd party hosting software (DigitalOcean and ServerPilot), and outages of those services are out of our control.

There is no implied or stated agreement with the end users that our rates will remain the same. Rate changes are at the sole discretion of BenandJacq, and will be supplied to you with no less than 30 days notice in writing or via email.

There is no long term commitment required to use BenandJacq’s services.

These terms can be modified at any time, at the sole discretion of BenandJacq. Changes will be made known to all clients via email.

If part of this agreement is shown to be unlawful or void, it can be removed from the agreement without negating the other portions of the agreement.

By checking the “I agree to the terms” box you are entering into a legal agreement (enforceable exclusively by the courts of the state of North Carolina) to abide by these terms.

An additional contract will be supplied to you upon confirmation of plan.