WordPress Plugin: WP Old Post Date Remover

I love having the date on brand new posts. It boosts engagement and click-through. But once a post is weeks or months old, that same date stamp is a hindrance for engagement and conversion.

This plugin dynamically removes the dates from posts once they reach a certain age. As of version 2.0 it is now user-customizable! Pick how many days you want the date to be visible on your single posts, and you are all set!

It has been tested with WordPress 4.0 and the 2014 theme. As long as your theme calls for the entry_date or post_date class, this plugin should work just fine. (hit the support forum for the plugin if it doesn’t, I’ll be active there!)

For the savvy:
This plugin removes the date stamp using CSS and the wp_enqueue() function. This means that any CSS you’d like to apply only to older posts is a go. Add your custom CSS to the included CSS file, but be aware that updates to the plugin will overwrite your changes!

Here are some screenshots:


Note the really old date just glaring at you under the title.
Note the really old date just glaring at you under the title.


Ahh, this post feels brand new again to your reader!
Ahh, this post feels brand new again to your reader!


Pretty darn self-explanatory, if I do say so myself.
Pretty darn self-explanatory, if I do say so myself.


It’s the nature of WordPress (open source, humongous user base, etc) that plugins won’t work for everyone. If you install the plugin and it isn’t working, it’s likely a simple matter of how your specific theme calls for the date stamp.

I put together this tutorial video to show one way to help me help you.

If you use the Twenty Twelve theme, here’s some code to change in your theme’s functions.php file to make it work. On line 388 to 395, make the following changes:

As always, direct any questions to the support forum for the plugin, where I will actively answer.

Here’s the official plugin repository page at WordPress.org:


If you find the plugin useful, feel free to donate:

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