SermonBrowser plugin for WordPress: RSS feed tutorial.

I’ve spent the last few days getting the sermon feed turned into a podcast over at my church website. I use the fantastic SermonBrowser plugin, and in the process of teaching myself how to use that plugin to create an iTunes-friendly podcast, I thought I’d share the wealth. Here’s a screencast detailing the process.

You can get to your podcast.php file at /wp-content/plugins/sermon-browser/sb-includes/podcast.php

I personally use and love TextWrangler (on a mac) because it can directly open (via FTP) those files.

Here’s the final code from that screencast (lines 106-119 minus my email randomly typed in)

Also be aware that any time you modify that podcast.php file, you’ll want to keep a backup copy so that when the plugin is updated you don’t have to repeat this process again.

I will update this post as folks comment or point out ways to make it more helpful.

5 Replies to “SermonBrowser plugin for WordPress: RSS feed tutorial.”

  1. Thanks man, this is really fantastic. I’ve been working for weeks on editing our site and working on getting our podcast to where it’s more discoverable. The guy that used to do this stuff just up and left one day and so I’ve had to learn a lot on the fly. Seriously though this is great – thanks!

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