I am constantly tinkering with the concept of this site, and have been really enjoying creating it. But one thing that is missing is real community involvement. Hundreds of people from dozens of countries have visited, and just a handful have commented. I know from years of experience that a ton of people means that I am not the coolest one in the room, just the one talking the most.
I tend to fill up space with words. So I am going to make Fridays a shout-out day. It’ll be a chance for me to point everybody to another really cool blog or site of a friend (or internet friend), with the encouragement to check out their stuff! And since ATB loosely revolves around the concept of raising support, many of the folks I direct you to will be people that have to raise support.
And after I give a shout-out, it’d be great if you’d prove me right about being cooler than me by shouting out in the comments some other folks to get involved with. After all, my sample of people is going to be tiny, compared to all the folks that you know! Go ahead, make their day!
This week’s shoutout goes to my very first director with Campus Crusade for Christ, a guy who deserves a ton of credit for making me into a marriageable dude. Britt Pettigrew and his wife Amy were so instrumental in my maturing process right out of college. I moved to MTSU–a full 7 hours away from anybody that I knew (with the exception of an ex-girlfriend’s family, who I was not all that keen on hanging out with), and Britt and Amy went out of their way to make me feel welcomed.
I learned a lot about marriage looking at theirs, and a lot about ministry from his patient example (it’s got to be tough to teach a kid–as unteachable as I was–anything of value.) Also, I learned how easy it is to incorporate discipleship with Disc golf. DISCipleship, if you will. (and you will.)
So, if you have 5 bucks per month you could throw his way, I can tell you from experience that it is money extremely well invested in the lives of students and idiot new-staff guys in Middle Tennessee. Click here to check out his stuff!
Now, your turn. Let’s hear some shout-outs!