About Doctors, Ski Boats, and Menstrual Cycles.

Once I met with a doctor while raising funds.  To the uninitiated, or any infants reading along: as a general rule, doctors make about the same amount of money in a month that ministers do in a good 8-month stretch.  So to meet with them for support is likely going to be a really good situation.

But this particular appointment took a really, REALLY good turn Continue reading “About Doctors, Ski Boats, and Menstrual Cycles.”

About being compared to an international scam artist.

I’d love to tell you that I always respond appropriately to absurdity, but I often just hang up the phone and shake my head, formulating how I will respond if the situation ever arises again.

So I am totally prepared if someone ever calls me a Nigerian scammer (again).  I certainly wasn’t ready for it the last time.  Here’s roughly how it went down: Continue reading “About being compared to an international scam artist.”