
Yesterday’s post linking to the photo of Theodore was post number 400 here at benandjacq.com.  400 posts to get from LB’s birth to Theodore’s.  (not counting picture posts at our original site.)

God has been so faithful to us, and as we stand looking toward the next 400 posts, as a family of 4 with no discernible source of income, we can say with confidence (that some would call naivete) that God will provide.  His amazing provision has been so evident in this entire process.  Last night he even provided a near-full night’s rest for both Jacq and I.

I can’t wait to see where we are going next, what adventures and dreams we are going to live next, and how God is going to provide.

In the web coding world, a 401 redirect is something you do to permanently forward one site to another.  So, consider this post a redirect into the world of having a family of 4.  Now we get to design the new “site” for our new family.

One Reply to “401.”

  1. can we get a 401 redirect to an ALBUM?! Love the posts . . . but I’d like to see further evidence that Jacq did, in fact, survive the birth and that LB is, in fact, a big brother. 🙂 looking forward in anticipation with you to what great things the Lord will CONTINUE to do with you and through you.

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