Partners partnering.

We are often characterized by the loudest or most visible of the people who claim the same labels as ourselves.  In our case, as ministers of the gospel (a label we’ll take even with all it’s baggage), we get lumped in with late-night TV evangelists and other con-artists (the Rev. Peter Popoff immediately springs to mind…) who ask for money too much, and use it in ways that don’t honor God.  It’s unfortunate.  But just as legitimate plumbers have to go out of their way to wear pants that stay at their waistline, and non-perverted construction workers have to clarify every time they ever talk to a female, we have accepted it is just something that comes with the calling of missionary.  So, in an effort to distance ourselves in every way from those scam artists, we want to take some time to say thanks for giving.

Though we are still far from our long-term goals of savings and paying off student loans, those of you who recieve our newsletters learned that recently we have been experiencing a major short-fall in our financial support.  We asked in our most recent letter for folks to pray, and want to update you on how God is answering those prayers.

God led some of you to even be the answer to your own prayers, and you sent in large special (because “one-time” sounds so… permanent) gifts that will help us get through the next couple of months while we continue to develop more partners to join our team.  Thank you so much.  We have also had a handful of folks join our team at various amounts of monthly support.  Most of then were not even on our newletter list, so it truly was supernatural that they felt led to partner with us.

So, thanks for giving.  Thanks for praying, and thanks for being a part of college students getting a chance to hear about Jesus.  We are so priviledged to be His voice on campus.

Oh, and feel free to email this link to all your friends who rightfully have the wrong impression that all ministers drive Bentleys and have wives who cry on demand with extra large hairdos and dogs that fit in their purse.  With your help we can change some stereotypes.