Two Baptists, two Methodists, and a Presbyterian go to a restaurant…

Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, I know. But last night we went out to dinner with some of the other campus ministers at UNC Asheville. We had a good time, got to hang out with folks we don’t normally, and had one of those moments where you secretly hope somebody brings up a volatile subject like alcohol, or women in leadership, or predestination. Or maybe that was just me. It would have been fun to watch the fireworks. But alas, everyone there was far too mature, and nobody lobbed any spiritual grenades over the theological fences that divided us. It’s nice in situations like that to be on the “interdenominational” team, because it leaves others trying to figure out where you stand, which team you are on. In the grand scheme, though, it was nice to all be on the same team. What would have made the joke funnier would have been if we were walking into a bar…