So many people are praying as though God just declared bankruptcy… I believe we are living in the suburbs of blasphemy when we pray for so little and ask for so little.

Ron Dunn, in a talk recorded in 1974.

I’ve never thought of God this way, yet I’ve heard about Him literally all of my life…

One of the guys in my “action group” Bible study last night.

…So admit you’re the worst sinner you know. Admit you’re unworthy and deserve to be condemned. But don’t stop there! Move on to rejoicing in the Savior who came to save the worst of sinners. Lay down the luggage of condemnation and kneel down in worship at the feet of Him who bore your sins. Cry tears of amazement (Luke 7:37-38).

C. J. Mahaney, The Cross Centered Life (I added the scripture reference)

Christ says, ‘give me all.’ …Hand over the whole natural self. All the desires that you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked — the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself, my own will shall become yours.

CS Lewis, as quoted by Don Ferris this morning at church.

Prayer is like firing a revolver that I didn’t load—click…click…BOOM… click…

Josiah Bancroft (he was quoting a friend of his)