John G. Miller Update!

The books have gone out to our winners of the First Annual Fantastic Giveaway. I want to give another big thanks to John G. Miller for being such an example of what he preaches. I got this email from one of the winners recently:

I got the book. Wow!!!!!!! Thanks, in world of scams it’s great to find great people on the internet. Thanks a million!!!!

I agree. It is fantastic to meet real people doing real good on the internet!

Thanks again, John!

Thankful: Thursdays.

When I was on staff with Campus Crusade, we often had our weekly meetings on Thursday nights. The weekly meeting was a time used for outreach, encouragement, and a “front porch” for our ministries. Students could invite friends who were skeptical about the claims of Christ, and have a low-pressure environment for them to investigate, wrestle, and think through things.

I’m so thankful for the things God did in my own heart on Thursday nights. As a student, the weekly meeting was a blast. But if I’m honest, there were times as staff that I saw it more as a chore than a blessing. But without fail, each time I thought of it as a chore, God would show up in a way that made clear to me why he had me lugging around sound equipment, engaging strangers in conversation, and staying up all night at IHOP or Dairy Queen having random conversations.

The fact of the matter is that God changed many hearts on Thursday nights. He still does. I’m so thankful to have been a part of it.

Are we shortchanging our kids?

Call it self-serving, as I have two of the cutest sub-3-year-olds in the industry, but I have a fear that we are shortchanging our kids in a lot of ways. It may just be a typical comparison game hat we parents play, but I’m constantly on the lookout for ways to be a better parent.

Today’s Friday question: what are the best resources for giving our kids a biblical worldview of missions? Give me songs, books, videos, etc.

Ready? Go.