Removing the Via: A Better Click To Tweet Tutorial

Mmm. Updated Plugin goodness for all!
Mmm. Updated Plugin goodness for all!

As of v3.1, the Better Click To Tweet WordPress plugin supports the ability to selectively remove the “via @YourTwitterHandle” (I’ll refer to it as simply the “via” from here on out) on a tweet-by-tweet basis.

This is useful for folks who want to leave the “via” in most of the time, but if they have a longer quote they want to make tweetable, they are now able to (when the need arises) leave off the “via” without wholesale removing it from tweets site-wide.

While this new functionality is enabled by default, existing users who don’t wish to use it will not be affected. Here’s a brief tutorial on how to leave the “via” off of a tweet:

Step 1: Include your Twitter username

For starters, if you ever want the “via” to show up, you need to include your Twitter username in the Better Click To Tweet settings at /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better-click-to-tweet.

Once your Twitter username is saved, the “via” will show up by default, as always. If the username is not saved, the “via” will never show up, no matter how you format the shortcode in step 2.

Step 2: Format the shortcode

Now let’s say you’ve got a GREAT quote that is just slightly too long for the 117 characters you have left after the URL. To leave off the “via” so that your quote will fit, simply add via="no" to the shortcode. The resulting shortcode should look like this: bctt tweet="Some glorious quote" via="no" (put it inside of brackets [ ], of course)

That’s it! Your 115 character quote will shine through perfectly!

I just updated to (even) Better Click To Tweet v3.1, and this guide helped me! Share on X

Pro Tips and Troubleshooting:

  • the via="no" attribute is case sensitive, so via="No" will not work, and Via="no" will also not work.
  • If you use the visual editor, I’ve upgraded the javascript used to auto-generate the shortcode. All you have to do is uncheck the box to leave off the “via” (and again, it defaults to having the “via” show up automatically).

The Power User Guide to the Better Click To Tweet WordPress Plugin

This is the guide to the hidden features of the Better Click To Tweet WordPress plugin. To start with, here’s a bit of philosophy. (If you want to get straight to the how-to, skip to the appropriate sections below)

Why Hide the Power Features?

WordPress is a fantastic tool for publishing. The low entry bar and “5 minute install” have made it such that you can set your grandfather up with a self-hosted website that he can update and love.

I always have your grandfather in mind when I am developing my plugins. I want to go out of my way not to do something that would lose him. The WordPress philosophy calls this “Decisions, not Options.”:

As developers we sometimes feel that providing options for everything is a good thing, you can never have too many choices, right? Ultimately these choices end up being technical ones, choices that the average end user has no interest in. It’s our duty as developers to make smart design decisions and avoid putting the weight of technical choices on our end users.

I debated whether even adding the option to remove the via was giving too many options. But I had multiple users asking for that functionality, so I added it in as a visible option.

It turns out the Internet is a picky place, and requests for very specialized functionality started rolling in. This guide is for those power users. Here’s to making power users happy while not alienating your grandpa.

So, instead of making visible options (which violates the spirit of the WordPress philosophy), I made each of the following features an invisible one: you have to know they’re there to utilize them. There’s no checkbox or dropdown menu.

Selectively Removing the URL

A few users have asked for the ability to remove the URL from the tweet. The vast majority of my plugin’s users want a link back to the post when they create a click to tweet box, but for those who don’t, now there’s a way to remove that link.

This is such a life-changing quote it doesn't need a link. Share on XIf you want to remove the URL linking back to your post from a tweet, simply modify the shortcode, adding a new parameter of url="no". So, to make a box that looks and behaves like the quote to the left. (click the text to see that there’s no URL in the resulting tweet)

Your shortcode would look like this:

[bctt tweet="This is such a life-changing quote it doesn't need a link." url="no"]

If you additionally wanted to remove the “via” the shortcode would be:

[bctt tweet="This is such a life-changing quote it doesn't need a link." url="no" via="no"]

UPDATE: as of version 4.2, now you can input a custom URL in the url parameter, and the custom url (no matter how long) will be passed on to the tweet. So, this shortcode will link to the fictitious page “”:

[bctt tweet="This tweet will contain a totally custom URL" url=""]

Have you checked out the best Click To Tweet plugin for WordPress? Share on X This is helpful for click to tweet boxes that you want to use to link to other things, like products. For example, I could use it to promote my plugins from within a blog post, like the quote to the left.

Known issues:

  • URLs with non-ascii characters (éåø and the like) are not currently supported. This is a limitation of PHP, and something I’m working to fix in a future release.
  • You must include the http:// or https:// at the beginning of the url parameter.
  • If your URL has the & symbol in it, it’ll confuse Twitter, and things will go badly. To avoid this issue, manually shorten your custom URLs that have that symbol in them using a service like before inserting it in the shortcode.

Selectively making links “nofollow”

If you, like me, have only a vague idea of what the concept of “nofollow” is in the SEO world, this infographic might help.

Making the front-facing links in your Better Click To Tweet boxes “nofollow” probably has very little effect on your SEO, but some folks pay a lot of attention to such things, and started to request on the forum that I enable rel="nofollow" on the links generated on posts by my plugin.

As of version 4.0, adding the nofollow attribute in the Better Click To Tweet box is as simple as adding an extra nofollow="yes" attribute to the shortcode:

[bctt tweet="Dear Search Engines, Please don't follow this link." nofollow="yes"]

Designing Custom Templates

Do you love the Better Click To Tweet plugin, but aren’t super jazzed by the design of the boxes?

As of version 4.1, there’s an option to completely take control of the design of the boxes on the front end of the site.

Here’s a step-by-step on how to make that happen.

  1. Connect via FTP to your site’s server.
  2. Drag the bcttstyle.css file currently in /wp-content/plugins/better-click-to-tweet/assets/css to the root of your /wp-content/uploads directory
  3. Poof. Done. Your box style just completely changed, and you haven’t touched any code.
Just drag it, drop it, and go refresh your site!

Any changes you make to the bcttstyle.css file will be reflected on your site. If you don’t like the new style, you can change it back by moving, renaming, or deleting the file in your /uploads directory. Also, the fact that the new file lives in the root of your /uploads directory means that any changes you make to it will not be overwritten by future plugin updates!

*note* If you come up with some cool designs, feel free to let me know, and they can be included in the plugin as options in future releases. I’ll credit you here and on the official repository page.

I’ll continue to update this post in the event that more advanced features are added to the plugin. Here’s to making the web a less confusing space for your Grandpa, but a more powerful place for you.

Speaking of my services (wait, did I forget to mention I offer WordPress services?) I specialize in outrunning and outsmarting hackers. Contact me today to get started.

I’ve closed comments on this post. If you need support, please use the official plugin support forums.

Vetting Developers: Working with contributors makes the Word a better Press

Here’s the question to ask a potential developer before they make you a WordPress website:

So, what have you contributed to the WordPress community?

The only reason I’d recommend foregoing the question is if they are charging you north of $3,000–$5,000. But even then, the question is still valid.

I’m not saying that all developers who charge relatively small amounts of money are bad developers. But I am unflinchingly saying: some of them are.

You need a litmus test. The above question is the test I’m proposing.

Here are some sample answers you are looking for:

“I’ve written and actively support XX plugins that are in the official repo (or github)”


“I’ve regularly attended the core discussions on slack”


“I’m a beta tester with XX tickets in the last beta.”


“I help with the Polyglots team to translate WordPress into other languages”


“I’m a theme reviewer”

or a number of other valid responses. The only thing that you can’t accept is “I haven’t really, I just make websites.”

Now, there are going to be some really top notch developers who can’t pass this litmus test, some gals and guys who can code circles around me, to be sure.

But none of the low quality shysters will be able to pass this litmus test (or you are at most one quick email, followup question, or Google search away from uncovering their rouse.) If someone says, for example, that they actively support their plugin in the official repo, you can ask for the link to the support forums and see how many users agree with you.

Short of an official test or third-party certification, this is the best way to begin to weed out the chaff in the “WordPress Expert” field.

The sad truth: you as a small business owner have been hoodwinked. You are being sold Candy Apple Red lemons.

What’s the point of a website? Why do you have it? What are your short-, medium- and long-term goals with the site?

If your goal is no return on investment, with a side order of being hacked and promoting male enhancement drugs, then by all means pay somebody once for a website, and then don’t pay attention to it for two years.

If your goal is no return on investment, with a side order of being hacked and promoting male enhancement drugs... Share on X

Business owners are busy. It’s in the name. You aren’t dumb, you’re simply ignorant. You’re like me at a chainsaw repair shop. They could tell me that “saw serum” is a thing that is required by federal law and costs $40, and I’d just nod like a dashboard bobblehead at a stop sign. I’m very smart, but I know nothing about chainsaws.

You are very smart, yet somehow this prevailing thought process has taken hold: (1) get a website, (2) rank—presumably magically—in a Google search for your highly competitive niche, and (3) business will just fly in from the flood of traffic.

Worse yet, you’ve been sold the pack of lies that a $400 website on $3/month hosting can do that, with no attention or further investment from you.


One problem: a $50 theme the “developer” purchased and tweaked makes your site look really good. That, to your untrained eye, makes their site look just as good as a $3,000 one, so why pay so much more?

Candy Apple Red lemons.

You’ve confused “pretty website” and “profitable business tool.”

The worst part of the whole deal? There are web “developers” out there who can talk fast and sell well who are trying to convince you that everything I’m saying is a lie.

I’ve been on both sides of this thing. A project management client of mine has a website that ranks really well in Google for a very competitive niche. You know how much money she puts into that site to rank well in her target keywords? About $2,000 per month between writers, editors, social media managers, and me (project manager).

There is no short cut to ranking in a Google search: high quality content, focused attention, and time. All of those cost money.

The long story short (my WordPress origin story is fodder for another post), I’m now smart enough to know how little I know, relatively.

When developers start to know how little they know, that’s the beginning of the real learning.

Which brings me back to the litmus test. If you are going to hire someone to make a website for you, and they are content to charge you $400 one time for it with no mention of a recurring cost, there’s a reasonably strong chance they have no idea what they are doing, or they don’t care at all about your business goals, or both.

What if there were a way to vet those developers?

My name’s Ben, and I actively support my two plugins on the official repository:

Better Click to Tweet

"Very happy with the support and the fast answer! Very grateful for that!"

Palava Better Click To Tweet Plugin User January 19, 2015

...the plugin works so well to begin with, but Ben has been great at offering suggestions and implementing solutions... Great work, Ben!

Julie Better Click To Tweet Plugin User January 27, 2015

Ahhh you are a LEGEND! How peculiar! Thank you so much for being so patient and awesome with this one, definitely the best tech support I've ever received for a plugin.

Anastasia Amour Better Click To Tweet plugin user. February 5, 2015

Wow! The best plugin experience I've ever had! That's no exaggeration -- I've worked with dozens of plugins for WordPress, and this is the happiest I've ever been.

yiddishwarmth Better Click To Tweet Plugin User April 28, 2015

Old Post Date Remover

P.S. This post makes many of the same points as Mario Peshev’s great post on Medium. That post directly inspired this one, and it’s where I hoped his headline was going: address the end user. I think I also widened out his definition of “Contributor” beyond those who have contributed to core code. My goal was to write a post that talked more directly to our potential clients, and keep it under 1,000 words. (he said at word count 927.)

My WordPress Origin Story And Why It Matters

Here's how I started, then promptly stopped, calling myself an "Expert."  Creative Commons Image Attribution.
Here’s how I started, then promptly stopped, calling myself an “Expert.”
Creative Commons Image Attribution.
Last week I wrote a post helping folks to vet potential WordPress developers.

Lest my developer friends think I am being two-faced, I thought it best to follow up with my origin story, for reference.

I’ve been the theme-tweaking developer I publicly shamed in my previous post. But I’m not much good at fast-talking slick salesmanship.

It’s lots of us second-career developers’ origin story. We were tasked with putting together a website for someone, found WordPress, kicked the tires a bit, and made the first DIY website we’d ever seen that was not terrible. It wasn’t good. It just wasn’t terrible.

So we bought the developer’s license to the Thesis 1.x framework which somehow inexplicably gave us without having to pay again, and a drag/drop(ish) interface for making WordPress sites. It was a high enough bar that it couldn’t be replicated by our target market, but by no means a high one. The techiest we ever got was having to add some code to our functions.php file, and there was always some to copy and paste on a forum somewhere.

If we were savvy enough, we could make a decent living from that point, without ever having to learn anything else. It’s the beauty of WordPress.

I can’t be sure, but I may have even referred to myself as an “expert” at that point.

I wasn’t savvy (or tenacious, or something) enough, so though I got to a point where people would pay me to make sites, I was never making all of my living from development. Then I made the mistake of continuing to learn.

See, had I pivoted away from the development side and into the marketing side of web design, I may have been able to continue blissfully unaware of how little I actually knew about WordPress, the community, or development in general.

I’ve always been a learner though, and soon enough I peeked from behind the curtain of Thesis and it’s hide-the-code philosophy and stuck a toe into the actual code that is holding up the whole affair.

I’m not exactly certain of the timeline, but it goes something like

  • Read something Otto wrote →
  • Read something Ipstenu wrote →
  • Immediately stop calling myself an expert →
  • Cobble together a plugin for a specific client need →
  • Release that plugin on the official .org repo →
  • Start trying to figure out enough code to call myself an expert again →
  • Read something else Otto wrote →
  • Go to a WordCamp developer’s track and watch the lingo fly over my head →
  • Come home with a three page document of terms to Google →
  • Join slack and sit through several meetings afraid to ever speak up →
  • Happily give up on ever calling myself an expert →
  • Volunteer to help a few people with their code on github →
  • Release another plugin →
  • Nothing has blown up as a result of my plugins after “1000+ active installs” on each of them.

See, I’m by no means the best WordPress Developer on the block, but I’ve started to learn how little I know, and I’ve contributed to the community, which puts me in the top 1% according to this great article.

...You are not dealing (any longer) with a guy just in this open-source game because it's cheaper. Share on XThat’s why this matters. For the client hiring me to set up a backup or maintenance plan for their WordPress site, it’s important to know that you are not dealing (any longer) with a guy who is just in this open-source game because it’s cheaper. I’m here to actually contribute to this product which has essentially already made good on its promise to democratize publishing.

For too long I’ve been a freeloader, or at least ignorant of the community supporting this thing with hours upon hours of free labor. It’s time to pay my dues.

How Learning WordPress Development is Like Playing a Crappy Guitar On Purpose.

Sometimes the nicest tools can actually hurt your ability to learn.  Creative Commons Image Attribution.
Sometimes the nicest tools can actually hurt your ability to learn.
Creative Commons Image Attribution.
I took guitar lessons for years as a kid from a virtuoso named Eric Perrotti. Every week I would show up with my (relatively nice) guitar, pull it out of the case, and plunk through whatever I was supposed to be playing that day.

Eric, on the other hand, would pull this old crappy Yamaha guitar off the wall that literally had a folded over piece of paper forming the nut (where the strings rest against the headstock of the guitar) and would amaze me with some new technique or riff.

Today during a quick YouTube search I found Eric as a guest on a local radio show back in 2003.

Later in the episode he remarks that he bought the guitar he’s playing there for $40, thus reinforcing my point here.

Eric drilled it into my head as a kid, but I forgot it: the degree of quality in the equipment does not make me any better of a guitar player. Learning the fundamentals of guitar, music theory, and other (free!) things is what made me a better guitar player. The nicest guitar in the world in my hands would pale in comparison to that crappy old Yamaha in his hands.

And that’s why I’ve redone my website, not with the Genesis theme framework or some other premium framework, but based off of the free Twenty Fifteen theme that comes installed with WordPress 4.1 and later.

At this point in my developer knowledge, putting Genesis in my hands doesn’t help me learn the fundamentals of WordPress theme development. In fact, it may hamper my ability to learn those fundamentals in the same way an effects pedal system would’ve hurt my development as a guitarist.

I don’t need a distortion pedal so that i can sound like Van Halen (who, according to my guitar teacher, was mostly tricks mixed with good marketing). I need to work on scales, intonation, hand strength, and chord changes. Once I get those down, adding some additional tools like effects pedals would likely enhance the music I am able to make.

Where the analogy falls apart is that the Twenty Fifteen theme is not crappy. It’s just not fancy. Eric was proving a point by intentionally using junk to make beautiful music. My goal is to develop a base understanding of child theme development before I hop into the deep end with a powerful tool like Genesis. (See kids: mixing metaphors makes you jump in pools with power tools.)

So, the site you are reading this on is built atop plain old Twenty Fifteen, using a child theme. Once I get comfortable plunking through the notes here, I’ll peek my head around the corner at Genesis.