Obama and McCain

Fear often helps us reveal our idols.  If I am inordinately afraid, it is often because an idol of mine is being threatened.  If the thought of Obama winning scares me, it because an idol of mine (free-market capitalism? lower taxes for the wealthy?  smaller government? defense against terrorism?) is being threatened.  Likewise, if the thought of McCain winning scares me,  it is because and idol of mine (the environment? a regulated economy? affordable healthcare? saving face internationally?) is being threatened.

So, as we all sit and watch the election results roll in (and it looks like it’s going to be a landslide for Obama!), we need to ask the question “why am I nervous when it looks like “my candidate” isn’t winning?”  And in answering that question, we will find our idols.

And the thing to do with idols is to turn from them to the only God who can actually save us.  Repent, Americans.  Obama can’t save you.  Jesus can.

Bible Reading Program for Slackers and Shirkers

Link: Bible Reading Program for Slackers and Shirkers

Today as I was meeting with some students I recommended this resource that has served me well in the past.  The article I’ve linked to is a great one written by Margie Haack.  The actual plan is linked to at the bottom of the article.

If you have ever struggled to get through a Bible reading plan, this resource is for you.  It took me nearly 4 years to get through the Bible this way, but the important thing is that I got through the Bible!


Swedish Left Party: ‘force pastors to perform gay weddings’

Link: Swedish Left Party: ‘force pastors to perform gay weddings’

Check out this article by my favorite English language Swedish news source.  (ahem… the only English language Swedish news source) It’s a frightening look at where a false view of “tolerance” will eventually lead.  Forcing pastors to go against what they believe is “neither safe nor right” according to another European from a few centuries ago.

I find it remarkable that the irreligious (and anti-religious) left in Sweden here attempts to do the same thing the church did back in the day, to institutionalize their doctrine, and force others to act accordingly.

It’s my prayer that Christians will respond with grace and truth.  It’s the only thing that will diffuse an otherwise volatile situation.

Sunny California!

There are a few places in America where “weird” has become a value, and a goal.  We happen to live near the epicenter of the east-coast weirdness earthquake here in Asheville.  There is virtually nothing you could do in downtown  Asheville to elicit the response, “hmm, that’s odd.”  After all, when the goal is absurdity and doing something “different,” eventually you just have a new definition for “normal.”  But (to milk all we can from the tectonic metaphor) our earthquake here in Western NC is a relative aftershock compared to the rumblings of Santa Cruz, California.

Four summers ago I experienced the earthquake. (seriously, that was the last time.) One day a local street musician coined a phrase that has stuck with me.  We were listening to him play some music, and as we tossed him some change and headed on, he stopped playing his severely out-of-tune guitar (because “off-key” is nearly synonymous with “different”…) and shouted “Thanks for coming to the Can of Screws!”  What a vivid description of Santa Cruz.  Screws of all different shapes, sizes, and smells.

I am excited to announce that this summer Jacqueline and little Benjamin are going to get to experience the smells of Santa Cruz.  We will be attending the 2009 Santa Cruz Summer Project.  We’re pretty pumped about it.  For the last 2 years Jacqueline has been on the outside of all of our inside jokes about Santa Cruz, being the only person on our staff team to not have had the joy of being “a screw for a summer” in the Can of Screws.

It’s our prayer that we as staff and students will recognize our own “weirdness” and from that point the other weirdos to a relationship with Christ.

The Bigger Story

I’ve had two weeks to process what happened during Blanket Appalachia (other than the Just As I Am incident) and I figured if I don’t write it down, it is quickly going to get swallowed up in my brain.

I’ve never been that close to that much devastation wrought by drugs.  There is a distinct difference between seeing some pictures on a website and standing close enough to smell the smoky breath of a guy who fried his brain on years of abusing drugs.   It was an eye-opening experience.

I could dwell all day on the bad news from my time in Manchester, KY.  But then, like the news media, I’d miss the real story.  God is at work there.  He is “restoring what the locust has eaten” (check out Joel 1 and 2).  Friday night we met an amazing pastor of the First Baptist Church in town and he told us the story of he and a Pentacostal pastor in town getting together to pray once a week for the city.  Over the course of a year those two pastors meeting to pray became 150 pastors and laypeople meeting to pray for their community.  Through that prayer meeting they formed a march against drugs that would eventually lead to even high-ranking local government officials being carted off to jail in FBI handcuffs.  All because God’s people prayed.

The best part about that pastor’s story was the end, when (like a master artist) he painted us into the story.  Some yuppie North Carolina college students, campus ministers, and church people fit right into this story.  We were directly answers to prayers of those pastors and laypeople.  He told us how God was going to use us the next day to bring people into His kingdom.  Not only had they had a political and social renewal and overhaul in Clay county, KY—they were ripe for a spiritual renewal. And God had brought us in to love the people well, to challenge them with the gospel of grace, and to take a few giant leaps of faith with them.

I don’t know if I would have appreciated what I was doing all day Saturday had I not been painted into the bigger picture.  Sharing my faith with strangers without a bigger picture is exhausting.  Joining God in what he is doing, on the other hand, is exhilirating.  We got the chance to see 26 people trust Christ the next day, and 1300 people left with jackets, blankets, socks, and Bibles.  We initiated spiritual conversations with every person that walked through the door.  Some of them had all of their teeth rotted out of their head from several months of meth abuse.  Some of them couldn’t complete sentences because they were still blitzed from the night before (at 9 AM).  I talked to one guy who was about my age and said he had never had a job of any kind, but instead just made and sold drugs for a living.  And he didn’t even look alive.

Some of our students who had never gotten up the guts to have a spiritual conversation ended up initiating conversations by the end of the day with ease, and got to see multiple people trust Christ.  In the midst of the devastation, we saw God planting flowers.  Restoring.  Bringing new life.

I marvel at the bigger story I am a part of.  What bigger story are you helping to write, whether you know it or not?