Link: Twitter / levarburton
Growing up watching Reading Rainbow, I never thought I’d see the day when I could know at any given time where Levar Burton is. And here we are.
Living the Dream
Link: Twitter / levarburton
Growing up watching Reading Rainbow, I never thought I’d see the day when I could know at any given time where Levar Burton is. And here we are.
Wow. What a video. I have tears running down my face.
I love the class and respect being shown. It’s what makes me proud to be an American.
Thanks to Los for finding this first.
I’m in favor of giving public attaboys and attagirls when somebody treats customers the way they ought to be treated. Today I experienced just that. And since it involved technology and web 2.0, I felt obligated to blog about it.
I was doing my taxes online using TurboTax, which I have for the past 3 years. Being a Monday (just after 5:00 PM EST) in late January, I’d imagine the traffic at their website was going through the roof, with people getting home to a W-2 in the mail and logging on to do their taxes. So, I was anticipating a slow time. But it began booting me from the system, and requiring me to log in over and over again. Eventually their server just gave up, having fought the good fight. I got a standard “NO SOUP FOR YOU” page when trying to get to my half-finished return.
So, because I was frustrated, I updated Twitter saying “TurboTax’s servers just flipped out and logged me out. I was so close to being done.”
About a minute later I got a tweet (that’s what they call twitter messages) from @TTaxChristine saying “I’m Christine from TurboTax, we’re checking out the issue.”
That’s what I’m talking about. Web 2.0 to the rescue when Web 1.0 takes a dive.
Thanks, Christine and TurboTax. Your attention to detail got you a free advertising spot here on the most-read blog published in the greater Erwin Hills area of Asheville, NC.
The financial news is crazy these days. From what seems like an incessant train of bailouts and legislation to rising unemployment to insurance companies turning folks away, the news is rarely good.
People are in a state of panic.
What better time, as Christians, to show the watching world what we really trust in!?
I confess, this is a pep talk for myself that you are welcomed to listen in on, but I am discouraged as I step back from my situation and evaluate how I am handling things. Our financial support has suffered recently, and if I am honest, I tend toward panic more than trusting Christ. Which is exactly the opposite of how the gospel ought to affect me.
The reason so many people in the financial sector are breaking apart at the seams is because their god is dying. They have trusted in money, or the economy, or their 401-K, or the American dream. And now that thing in which they have placed their trust is dying. Their god is dying.
Our God rose from death. And he promises in his word that he takes care of his own. Jesus is LORD. Not just a king or a president. The King of kings. The Lord of lords. He alone is in control.
So instead of freaking out when finances are tight, I am going to rejoice that my God is alive, and still in control. I am going to trust. But let’s take it another step. How about instead of clamming up and “taking care of our own” with no regard for others, we model the generousity and others-focus that Jesus would have for us during this time. Our generousity in the face of uncertainty will serve as God’s hands and feet drawing people who are otherwise totally disinterested and turned off by Christians.
Give sacrificially (no, this is not just a plug for you to support us. Give to people who need to know that money won’t save them.) Pray as to who God would have you minister to with your wallet. Is there a single mom or a widow that needs a meal or a tank of gas? Give to your church, so that they don’t have to lay off people. Give to the local food bank. Just… GIVE.
I’ll start. I haven’t taken it before the Lord with my wife yet, so I am not sure how we are going to give, but I assure you that this month, even in spite of a significant loss in our support, we will give more than we did last month.
Because my God is not dead, or dying.
Having fun with mommy.