Thankful Thursdays: 5 bucks a month.

Often, if you ask a missionary to share stories of how God has been working, we’re quick to go to the neon signs.  The outreach where 10 people trusted Christ.  The drug dealer who is now leading a bible study.  The $30,000 gift that funded the ministry for a year. Big, glowing, neon signs.  And that’s OK.  People need to hear when God shows up in a tangible way.

But I’m perhaps more thankful for Continue reading “Thankful Thursdays: 5 bucks a month.”

Isaiah and wood-worshipping Americans.

I found this video from Mars Hill Church in Seattle a while back.  Check it out, then swing down below for a new-to-me insight that hit me this morning

Now check out Isaiah 44:21.  Immediately after he tells the story of the foolish man who builds a god out of his left-over firewood, he contrasts it with His own forming of Israel, his chosen people.

We form idols and bow down to them.  God forms us, and graciously condescends to us, “not forgetting” us, even though we are that foolish craftsman praying to a stack of firewood.

About Math Teachers, Pygmy Goat Farmers, and the Bottom Line.

Im terribly inefficient at doing math problems in my head. I am just mentally finishing with the first “carry the one” when someone across the room blurts out the answer. So, when I would tell people that we were at 64% of our support-raising goal and we had about $2900 per month left to raise, I never expected that people would do the math in their head. I thought I was giving them the uncrackable code that assured I’d be able to communicate our remaining need without divulging the total that we had to raise. Continue reading “About Math Teachers, Pygmy Goat Farmers, and the Bottom Line.”