LB the Musician, and Annoying Parents.

Don’t you hate those parents who think their kid is extraordinary for doing ordinary things?

Just because he’s in the 97th percentile now doesn’t mean he’s Shaq, ma’am.

Here’s me, committing this error. Enjoy LB singing Twinkle, Twinkle. Extraordinarily.

About Being Told We Solicit Too Much.

The line between asking for money too often and not asking enough is a lot like my wife’s internal thermostat and emotional state during pregnancy. There is a fine, moving line between sweating and freezing, and between crying and laughing.

(Sidenote to the single males: This next paragraph might sound like I’m just trying to exaggerate to make things funnier. In reality, I’m scaling back the details so as to not get in trouble with my wife. No, really.) Continue reading “About Being Told We Solicit Too Much.”

But Seriously, Y’all. That’s a cute kid.

On Halloween my boy dressed up as easily the least ferocious lion I’ve ever encountered. Here’s video footage. Be sure to check out the “subtitles” below the video for a running commentary of LB’s running commentary.

Me: Hey LB…
LB: Cheese! (the LED flash on the camera came on).
Me: Me and my lion…
LB: em-tims? (M&Ms)
Me: There’s the candy…
LB: Candy? (repeatedly)
Me: You’ve got the fire…
LB: it’s hot. (that’s my boy)

Yeah, parenthood is pretty dang awesome. If you haven’t checked out our Web Album, there are some great photos over there of Halloween. They are in both the 2010 Album and the Theodore Brooks Meredith Album. Enjoy.