Good attitudes are voluntary.

In the midst of easily the busiest week of my life, I am still having people routinely ask how I can be in such a good mood.

First, the grace of Jesus.

Second, each day I have a choice to make, and I choose the positive attitude.

Back to normal content next week. This post written on a phone in the Starbucks break room.

Never pray for your problem with laziness.

When I was in ministry (vocationally) I often prayed for diligence and for God to help me with apathy.

Yesterday I woke up at 4:00 am and got done working at 8:00 pm.

Consider that prayer effectively answered.

Also, I have not completed the internet setup at our new place. So, I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

Got some negative feedback at work…

A customer called me “a bit over-eager.”

I guess if I had to pick, that’s better than the alternative, right?

I not the first time I’ve been accused of that. Now to figure out the delicate balance between being eager to help (which I am) and getting penalized for it.

This post written on my break at Starbucks, my other job.

Moving update: past tense.

Yesterday we cleaned out our house, with the exception of a few things in the garage that won’t fit in our new apartment (can’t find a closet big enough for my motorcycle) and have officially started the settling process in the new place.

That means, with any luck, this is the last post I have to write on my phone during my break at Starbucks–at least for a while.

Thanks for bearing with me during the transition.