My wife is 32 weeks pregnant this week. For the non-parent males in the audience, that’s 8 more weeks until full term. Additionally, non-parent males, it’s not a cakewalk to carry around a child that is literally snuggling with your bladder, and punching it from time to time.
Yet today we hit the road on a support trip. I’m carting her all the way up to Asheville for a few days, and then down I-26 on Sunday to South Carolina for a couple of days. During that time we’ll be meeting with interested folks to share the amazing things God is doing around our region, and challenging folks to partner with us financially and prayerfully. On Tuesday we’ll be coming back through Winston-Salem. How long we stay around here is up in the air.
Here’s where you come in. I’d love it if you’d do one of three things:
- If you are into praying (I hear it burns calories and is good for circulation) I’d appreciate it if you’d pray for God to lead us to the right folks with whom to partner.
- If you are in Asheville or the Upstate, and you’d like to hear about all that God is doing in and through us, shoot us a message to and let’s schedule a time. Better yet, see where you fit into our schedule (and propose a time to meet) by clicking here.
- If you are not in one of those places and want to see us get back to our assignment fully funded by August (our prayer goal), put your money where your heart is by clicking here. (follow a three step process that follows. All the cool kids are doing it)
I’m carting around a very pregnant wife and a toddler, because I think this mission is worth it. We’re so thrilled by what God is doing, and we really want you to know about it. Prayerfully, this can be a trip that catapults us closer to being fully funded, so that we can be about reaching college students with the greatest story ever told. Now go on back up there and click a link or two.