This actually happened.

Ben: I have no idea how to potty train. I wouldn’t even know where to start.
Jacq: Me neither.
Ben: I mean, I know how to house train a dog, so it’s probably pretty similar…
Jacq: What, are you going to rub his face in it?
Ben: (laughing) If it works…

Stay-at-Home Mom. A Tribute.

Lee Ferguson tells me I never officially had a post on here sharing that we are pregnant again.  The evidence suggests otherwise, but just in case I haven’t made it clear enough: we’re having another baby.  We’re a few weeks into the second trimester right now, meaning that in a couple more weeks we’ll know the gender.

Because of the pregnancy, Jacqueline is having to rest more, meaning that I have been helping more and more around the house with LB and Wynonna.  I’d like to give a shout-out to the fact that this woman, my bride, does A LOT.  I found this article on the Reislands’ blog that begins to do justice to the job my wife does.  Enjoy.  If you are a mom, pass this along to all the haters.

Mother’s Daze.

My wife is incredible.  She’s a great mom, and even in the midst of this crazy stage of life with a move and quasi-bedrest and an unwieldy (almost) tw0-year-old, she’s shone far brighter than the jewelry she got for mother’s day (yep, that’s a shout-out to me.  Thanks for noticing, move along).

She’s not an encourager by nature, but I can’t even count the number of times just in the past week she’s gone out of her way to encourage me.  She’s so attentive to even the smallest details of my life.

She’s a wonderful mom to LB: from lavishing gifts on him (most notably her time and energy) to disciplining him and helping him to not get the false impression that the world revolves around his larger-than-average head, Jacq is constantly amazing to me.

So I thought I’d give her a shout-out on the interwebs.  She’s lived lately in a daze wrought by pregnancy hormones and lack of sleep, and yet she’s still the hottest mom on the planet.

She’s so good at it, I knocked her up again.