Pat Robertson and I, the Temanites.

I just got done reading Job 4 and 5, and was struck by the parallels between Pat Robertson’s comments yesterday and Eliphaz the Temanite’s comments to Job.

The major lesson? In the face of tragedy, responding with theological truisms (or conjecture) is not only insensitive, it’s the exact opposite of the Christian message, even if those truisms and conjecture are correct.

What strikes me is how many people, like myself, heard about both the tragedy and Robertson’s response and reacted by being mad about the response, not by actually doing something to help the tragedy.  I’m no different than Pat Robertson.

Here’s a way that you can respond in a more biblical way. I’ll go first-we’ll be donating to what CCC is doing in Haiti.

3 Replies to “Pat Robertson and I, the Temanites.”

  1. I still don’t quite understand though – Did Pat Robertson at any point claim it was *God* who was responsible for what happened on Haiti? Everyone seems to assume that’s what he said, at least.

  2. Well… My take on it is that he’s not really trying to put the Haitians down, but rather I think he was attempting to get Westerners to sponsor mission to Haiti to save them from Vodou… Considering he said it in a program trying to raise funds for the country, I mean.

    It still might not have been the smartest thing to say, but I do think the fact that a large part of the people are practicing Vodou isn’t exactly helping the nation’s prosperity…
    .-= Peter´s last blog ..Pat Robertson är bara en osmidig, optimistisk gammal man =-.

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