Shoutout Friday: Marti Smith.

This is the first shoutout where I don’t actually know the person, but have met them through my writing here at ATB. You can feel free to submit ideas for folks to shout-out in coming weeks, in the comments.

Marti Smith works as a missions mobilizer. I can’t think of any more significant role in the kingdom of God. Missionaries are great, don’t get me wrong. But people like Marti, the people who not only go out to reach the world for Christ, but call others to go, challenge others to go, and encourage others as they go are the lifeblood of missions. In a real sense, mobilizers are the cogs in the wheel that turns the whole operation.

Paul (the one in the Bible) was a missions mobilizer. Everywhere he went, he sent out others to go. It’s an extremely significant role in the redemption story.

Recently through email I learned that a church who heavily supports Marti has had to cut her funding significantly. So now is the time to give to her ministry. But unfortunately, because I am slacker who writes these posts mere hours before posting them these days, I’m not sure the best way to give online to her ministry. So, in the meantime, go check out her blog by clicking here. I’ll update this post with a link to give once I find it.

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