So many people are praying as though God just declared bankruptcy… I believe we are living in the suburbs of blasphemy when we pray for so little and ask for so little.

Ron Dunn, in a talk recorded in 1974.

Benjamin is getting pretty good at walking.  We are getting pretty good at lunging across the room to keep him from getting into stuff that previously was hard to reach.

Uh, 3… …girth units?

I really want to get into marketing.  I am fascinated by how people use out-right lies and un-provable statistics to sell their products.  The shampoo in our shower here (that Jacqueline bought for next-to-nothing because of deals and coupons at CVS, and she’s the best wife ever) says in bold font on the bottle “makes hair up to 75% smoother”

I’m no math guy, but I’m pretty sure that in order to have a percentage, you have to be able to quantify it.  In order to quantify it, it has to have some objective standard.  So “smoothness” can’t be measured, and thus can’t be given a percentage. There’s no such thing as a “smooth unit.”

That’s like saying “become 63% more popular in school” or “women are 12% more physically attractive after using this product…”

(…and if you didn’t get the connection with the title, watch this.)

I’ve never thought of God this way, yet I’ve heard about Him literally all of my life…

One of the guys in my “action group” Bible study last night.

Urgent Care for Sick People.

This has been the summer of Urgent Care.

Mike, our project director, has been to urgent care taking different students so many times this week they are starting to recognize him. From Chicken Pox to a nasty virus to fainting and head colds, we’ve seen a lot, and taken several trips to the hospital.  But it appears this isn’t the first time we’ve been around this particular block.

Julie, one of the staff from Texas, went in with one of her girls who ended up having a mild case of pink eye.  While in the room, she got into a conversation with one of the nurses.  It turns out this nurse had cared for a person from the summer project last year.

That person (we don’t know who it was) had encouraged this sweet nurse in her faith, and the nurse had gone on to rededicate her life to Christ, and has been actively pursuing Him this year, gotten plugged into a local church, and is growing.

All because some sick student had taken a step beyond their comfort zone in an attempt to make Christ famous.  It’s so fun to see the sapling from someone else’s seed!

While we don’t want to have to take any more trips to the Urgent Care, it’s our prayer that we will continue to be available to go and share the love of Christ, wherever he might send us.